Thursday, January 28, 2010
4:49 AM

My CCA (ncc land school team xD)

This will be my final and last blog entry for the english tfu blog-assignment:) It will be something similar to my previous blog entry.However,this time though,i will be talking about my CCA.

Since Sec1, i have been attending my CCA,NCC(Land).Since Sec1,during CCA trials,because i didn't get any recommendations to any sport CCA, i was "thrown" into a uniform group CCA,which is of course NCC(Land).I would exaggerate on that part because it wasn't exactly my first choice of CCA.

My first thought about NCC(Land) was thinking that i would spend an "extra 4 years in N.S" . Thinking that it would be hard and trainings will be "hardcore".However,I would say,it wasn't so that "hardcore" after all.

During trainings,we would do DRILLS(consisting o marching etc.)PT( i tink spelt dat way) which consisted of push-ups,jumping jacks,crunches etc. and lastly,if we got the time and space we would have GAMES where we get to play soccer or captain's ball etc.

Now,since we are in sec2, we are pgraded to Part Bs (NCC school team xD) In about a year and a half's time( i think xD) , we would be getting a rank according to our attendance in our CCA,our skill in drills and participation in the CCA too.Our ranks will be determined by the teacher-in-charge(i think) and our seniors in that CCA.Types of rank we could get are,USM,ASM,staff,seargents etc.

I'm hoping to get on of those ranks mentioned.But before that, in order to attain those ranks,i must try to attend all of the trainings and activies.So, from tomorrow training onwards,i will try not to miss trainings( i hope so) or should i say "pon" trainings.


4:21 AM

Secondary school life

Secondary school life.This 2010 is my second year in Victoria School.I had felt the difference between the secondary school life and primary school life.Some people would say,Primary School life is much more 'slack' compared to Secondary School life.

That,i had to agree.With much more subjects like History,Geography and Literature and our Science splited into three branches,Biology,Physics and Chmistry,it will be much harder to cope.

Not only that,we would also end late due to CCAs ,supplementary classes etc. But there are,also positive sides in Secondary school life.There are much more CCAs offered here and more freedom i would say.

Since my enrollment into Victoria School,i had made mny new friends.Classmates, seniors in school and friends from my CCA.Especially my classmates,we had gone through hardships when examinations were near and often spend time together as a class.Most important of all,we had bonded as a class.(i think xD)

This year, we will have streaming where we get to choose our subject combinations for secondary 3.To get a good career i suppose,firstly,we need to have proper subject combinations(i think ) in order to get into certain universities.

So this year, i have made a new year's resolution to study hard(i think) but also play hard as ll, as this year is quite an imporant year for me.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010
4:54 AM

A special moment you enjoyed with your family

As i stared and began turning a T-shirt with the words "Malaysia" sewn on the front of the T-shirt.I suddenly recalled a memory of my previous holiday trip with my family to Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.I let myself in as i recalled those wonderful memories.This was what hahd happened...

Riding on the back seat of a cab,i was excited at the thought of able going to Malaysia and doing many activites.Since it was a long time till i went to Kuala Lumpur i was expecting many new things there.I had packed my backpack carefully,for this three day,two night trip,not forgetting any stuff.

As we reach to a bustop in Woodlands, we waited for a bus to take us to the checkpoint terminal.From there,after we had our passports checked,we had to board the same bus to the Johor chcekpoint terminal this time.

After we had lawfully left the legal customs of both checkpoints,my family and i took a bus to "Larkin",a bus interchange in Johor.From there,we had a pitstop by eating breakfast as there was enough time before the tour bus from here to Kuala Lumpur leaves.

I had my favourite roti prata with curry at the hawker centre there.And because we were at malaysia(not in Singapore) i quickly grabbed and bought a packet of chewing gum for the six hour journey to Kuala Lumpur.

Boarding the tour bus,i sat on the chosen seats by my father in the bus.As the engine began starting,i rested my legs on the foot rest an immediately fell asleep.

I felt someone tapping me on the shoudler as i begin to wake up from my deep slumber.I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the lights in the bus."Faris,we have reached Kuala Lumpur,"my mum said in Malay.I alighted the bus smelling the air in Kuala Lumpur.

We had checked in the hotel called "five elements".My family and I had planned on going to Genting Highlands tomorrow.And shopping the next day wich my mum will probably look forward to.I can't hold back the excitement of the activities lined up for tomorrow.

As i stared back looking back at the T-shirt.Those wonderful memories with my family that i will cherish for a very long time.


4:31 AM

A moment spent alone doing something you enjoyed

"Die!Die!Dieeee!"I shouted loudly,swiftly clicking on the buttons on the keyboard.I was shooting and killing some animate monsters in a game i am playing.Yes.I am playing a game on the computer;one of my favourite pastimes to kill time when i am alone.

Playing games.Some people might think that playing computer games is quite pointless.Killing people,monsters,etc in order to get to another level are found in most games.Quite pointless repeating the cycle:killing then proceed to another level,killing then....

However one of my reasons that i am playing computer games i the cool graphics,sound effects implemented in the various games i played.Not only that,i can also make many friends when i play games with other players online.Playing games also helps reduces my stress and takes my mind of school work and other problems.

Eventhough i enjoy playing computer games,i must not put my school work and studies away.If i badly want to play computer games,i will tell myself to finish my homework first before playing.

Playing computer games is something i love doing during my time i spent alone.However,i also played many games with my sister.

As i continued playing computer games,staring intently on the screen,i tell myself to stop early in order to complete my homework.A note to be taken,put studies first as they are much more important than playing computer games.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010
9:53 PM

Something that took place in school

Butterflies were fluttering madly in my stomach as i anxiously wait for my turn to run for my house,Kallang.It was the annual Track and Fields House games which sadly my house didn't get the top place for the previous years.

With hope gleaming in our eyes now,we are hoping our best if we could, to try and get secnd or third placing for this year's games.Even better sill,try to get the first placing for the annual Track and Fields games.

Even though it may seem impossible and trainings might be fruitless we might never know if we try.If we are determined and confident,with no doubt we might,we will grab the trophy,rightfully ours for the rest of the year.

"Yes!"i exclaimed excitedly in my head.We are now tied for first placing with Glam house with two hundred and twenty points each.And what's more,the last very last event,which is running,which will determine the winner of the overall games is now upon my shoulders.The sweat,blood and tears of the "torturous" trainings is upon this very 800m race: which i am suppose to run in.

As people walk past me,they gave words of encouragement and"good luck" for my race.As the emcee called the runners to fall out near the station for our numbers to be pasted on our backs, i waited nervously to the booth, nervous and excted.

"1,2,3... GO!" Bursting forward,i ran as fast as my legs could carry me.Huffing and puffing,i reach the 400m mark and managing a grin.I was second in the race,with a Glam competitor in the lead.Telling myself to give in a little extra,so as to catch up to the runner in front of me.

600m mark: I could almost grab him from where i am standing.Straining my legs to burst up more adrenlenine so as to gain speed.Using the last ounce of my energy,i tried to maintain my speed in order to cover the last 200m.

As i past the last white line,I practically lay on the track,completel exhausted from running.Even so, i managed to look at the scoreboard."Yes!!"I managed to shout jumping up in ecstasy.We had won!!I got took first placing by just a mere second.

As my house mates rushe around to congratulate me.some carrying me,i felt a great sense of achievement.As they walked back carrying me on thier shoulders,i gleamed and smiled,all the hard work paying off.



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January 2010